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DR LACHLAN DANDIE | Consultant Surgeon

Lachlan is a specialist Upper GI, General and Bariatric surgeon. He has an interest in all areas of upper GI surgery, including advanced laparoscopy, bariatric surgery, anti-reflux surgery, upper GI oncology and complicated biliary disease. He performs a wide range of general surgery, including hernia repairs, gallbladder surgery, fundoplications for reflux, bowel resection, and minor surgeries such as carpel tunnel release, ingrowing toenails and excision of lesions.


Graduating from Flinders University with a medical degree in 1998, and following his intern and resident years, Lachlan entered surgical training at Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne. He then gained entry to advanced training in General Surgery in 2006, and was awarded FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) in General Surgery in 2010.


Dr Lachlan Dandie | Bariatric, Upper GI & General Surgeon

Two years of post fellowship training in upper GI & Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary surgery was undertaken at Box Hill Hospital, followed by a final year at Monash Medical Centre. In 2013 Lachlan returned to Adelaide and accepted a consultant position at Lyell McEwin Hospital. Since this time, he has been appointed Head of Unit for Upper GI & HPB Surgery. He also has an appointment at Flinders Medical Centre providing cancer and complex Upper GI services to patients from the northern suburbs in a large volume centre with excellent outcomes.


You may be interested to know that Lachlan also visits the northern suburbs, consulting privately at the Elizabeth Specialist Suites in Elizabeth Vale, and offering operations at Calvary Central Districts, along with Calvary Adelaide Hospital.


Among all of Lachlan’s qualifications and skills, what’s notably just as important, is his warm bedside manner, his compassion and excellent listening skills. Lachlan believes that first and foremost, patients need someone they can talk to and relate to, and that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to surgery.

Our Team
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